~✎~✎~ SITE NOTES ~✎~✎~ ==> INSPIRATION: => speciific sites that have inspired me to create this site https://moth.monster/blog/html-tutorial/ -- html tutorial for making a simple html site; this site definitely would not exist if not for this blog post https://blog.cassidoo.co/ -- tech blog that is gorgeous on desktop and mobile; I especially love the changing color scheme and tag system for posts https://sunny.gg/ -- another tech blog that dubs itself as a simpleton website and has plain text posts like this page(or had one at one point anyways but that post seems to have been take down); the format and style of the tables on my pages are based on the tables here https://t0.vc -- an extremely simple html blog with a neat guest book https://rachsmith.com -- I love the way this blog lists their posts by month and how the dates are colorful https://nalinplad.github.io/small_web_things/ -- html widget templates; don't have a use for any of them yet but these are good examples of little things I'd like to tinker with on these pages in the future +-----------------------+ ==> HTML TOOLS: => docs for tools that are used to build this site https://meyerweb.com/eric/tools/css/reset/ -- css code documentation; currently using this to refresh css of my site which I discovered sunny.gg using; https://md-block.verou.me/#usageHow -- md-block documentation; used with first version of my site but not currently in use here, possibly in the future https://marketingpipeline.github.io/Markdown-Tag/ -- md documentation; same as md-block but never got it to work; keeping site here just in case I want to go back to it +-----------------------+ ==> GUIDES: => extensive guides https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTML/Reference -- html documetation https://web.stanford.edu/group/csp/cs21/htmlcheatsheet.pdf -- html guide https://www.markdownguide.org/basic-syntax/ -- markdown guide +-----------------------+ ==> TUTORIAL SITES: => various websites and blog posts that give mini-tutorials on certain html methods and techniques https://www.sitepoint.com/a-basic-html5-template/ -- extensive html head template tutorial that also introduced me to favicons -> the following three sites all helped format my initial html pages and helped me learn a lot of the basic html syntax: https://blog.thejaytray.com/html5-css-layout/ -- html template https://www.programiz.com/html/layout -- html template https://www.quackit.com/html/html_editors/scratchpad/?example=/css/flexbox/tutorial/nested_flex_containers_example_2 -- html template - https://www.makeuseof.com/md-block-render-markdown-web-page/ -- md-block tutorial https://tfoote.github.io/design/courses/how-to-contribute/topics/embedding-google-docs/ -- embed google sheets; helped me embed a block of google sheets onto a page to create my first cfb rating web page; have since decided to stick to simple html, markdown, and plaintext tables instead but may use this again in the future https://webtips.dev/expandable-tables-in-html -- expandable tables tutorial https://www.braydoncoyer.dev/blog/change-text-highlight-color-with-css# -- tutorial for changing the color of highlighted text https://www.w3schools.com/howto/howto_js_sticky_header.asp -- sticky header documentation +-----------------------+ □